Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Overwhelmed Gardener. Part 3: The King Country Master Gardener's Sale

Another plant sale is upon us and it's another big event. In terms of number of vendors, it's considerably smaller than Florabundance, but the show the Master Gardener's put on is quite remarkable. They certainly make a weekend of it with various booths, tents, organized activities for kids, and various workshops and classes the public can take part in.

The King County Master Gardener's have been facing tough times as funding continues to be an ongoing issue for this well known and highly respected organization. It's essentially on the same page as everyone else trying to garner as much support as possible.

While I'm not vending at this sale, I contributed by designing a container for their raffle and donating a gift certificate to my nursery. Yes, another time consuming effort, but I certainly enjoyed putting the composition together and, hopefully, people like my work enough to hire me to do something similiar for them. I think it's also an outlet for me to show off, I guess. haha

Master Gardener's Raffle Container
Noticed I used that Mahonia 'Soft Caress' once again. =)

I had extra plants and since I was debating which container to use, I potted up both since I had enough plant material. This second piece went to my sister's house in West Seattle.

Late April Containers

They hold the raffle on Sunday so I guess there's still a chance to see my container in person, but support the Master Gardeners and the many local vendors who have once again come out to showcase their best plants for all to see, admire and add to their growing landscapes.

Visit their website here for directions and more information!

It's time to really get some work done outside our own homes!! Just be sure to visit the sale first and with the location being at the Center for Urban Horticulture, see the gardens and get inspired!



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