Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Launch of "The Next Generation Gardener" on YouTube!!

So, it finally came together!!

The first pilot episode of "The Next Generation Gardener" was posted about a week ago and I was joined by friends, both old and new, to help launch it.

This project came about when Hyejin Yun (my photographer friend who I invited to take photos at the Northwest Flower and Garden Show) wanted to venture doing videos and film production. She wanted to produce an informative video that features me as a young gardener talking about what I do. We decided on a simple subject (container gardening) that aspiring gardeners could take on.

With 2 months of planning, writing the script, Hyejin taking classes and learning about the equipment needed, etc., we filmed everything in one day and then Hyejin went to work  on editing. For a 7 minute clip, it takes so much work! Heck, even 30 second commercials on TV can take much longer. 

Have a watch and let me know what you think. Your feedback will be most welcomed!!

Now check out the blooper reel:



  1. So exciting! Can't wait to see the next episode.

  2. Cool dude! When are you going to shoot an episode at my place??

  3. This was awesome! Great job! When you come over, don't judge my dying herbs. ;)

  4. That really is exciting. I will wait for the next one.
    videos pornos
