Monday, April 18, 2011

The allure of anemones

During a rare break this weekend, I swung by Wells Medina nursery to check out their nursery stock for a woody plant ID course I'm teaching this quarter and, as always, I'm always on the look out of rare and unusual stuff, particularly perennials.

Set on tables were flat after flat of unusual treasures such as Auricula primroses, alpine sedums, Lewisias, and several flats of blooming Anemones I just could not resist. Typically something this dainty and ephemeral is easy for me to pass up because it's a one-trick-plant that does its thing in the spring and then just disappears. HOWEVER, certain types, particularly the Wood Anemones (Anemone nemorosa) are simply charming, dainty, but oh so tough and adaptable, even in dry shade under trees.

The first ever spring Anemone I obtained, grew on and propagated is the lovely double flowered selection of A. nermorosa called 'Vestal'. Having received just these twig-like rhizomes around 5 years ago from a mail order company, they were very slow to start, but eventually formed nice clumps of these spectacular flowers. I potted them up and the following spring, they sold like hot cakes.

Now, I've read or seen only photos of more unusual varieties in catalogs or online, but when I went to Wells, I couldn'y help but make a few purchases.

Anemone apennina 'Alba'

Anemone apennina 'Alba' This one I actually passed on as it was "too simple", but it was such a prolific plant and each petal had a faint blue reverse which added to its appeal.

Then it's close, lavender color with double flowers, relative was looking smashing.
Anemone apennina 'Plena' 2

Then, there are snazzy cultivars such as this one called 'Green Fingers'


Then there's the angelic 'Blue Eyes', which starts out fully white double and then matures to reveal a bluish tint in the center that's very appealing.


Most likely grown and propagated by Edelweiss Perennials down in Oregon, these are exquisite plants I expect to last for many years and eventually share with others!

Back at home in Landwave, I've got these precious winter gems. This is Anemone blanda 'Blue Shades'

Anemone blanda 'Blue Shades'


  1. Good shot of 'Green Fingers' See:

  2. Ooooh and a nice shot of 'Viridiflora'/'Virescens'! Thanks for sharing your link!
