Horticulturist and plantsman, Rizaniño "Riz" Reyes, shares his thoughts, experiences and observations as an avid young gardener in the Pacific Northwest.
A little glimpse of moi at a client's Victorian garden that I help maintain and plant the seasonal color for.
He discovered cardoons during a trip to England last year and insisted that we use them this year and they look fabulous. They've held up to the cold temperatures we've been enduring this "summer" unlike our staple Coleus and African Daisies.
I'm just proud to be involved with a project that EVERYONE can see and enjoy! Yes, it's ridiculously high maintenance, but chatting with people that walk by and the cars that slow down to admire the house and garden make it well worth the efforts.
Ok, so he needs a little help in his own garden, but this was the only pic his g/f would let me use. hahaah..j/k
I've mentioned Clayton before in previous posts and I feel like he deserves his own little profile.
He and I go back a few years when we were undergrads at the UW. He thought about double majoring in landscape architecture and environmental horticulture and urban forestry, but he stuck to his BA as an LA and has implemented his knowledge of landscapes in his own enterprise as CEM Design; a company he started back when he was about 18 or 19 years old.
We worked on several projects together as undergrads and I helped TA a plant ID class he took and we just sort of started talking. He seemed like a nice guy, though really shy and quiet. He threw out the idea of collaborating on a project together and last fall was our opportunity to do so.
The Bellevue residence we landscaped together is establishing well and what a treat for our clients to witness the bloom of rare Himalayan blue poppies and giant lilies.
A few weeks back, I hired him to redo our driveway and here's the beginning of a new look to Landwave:
Clayton's strength lies in not just his sense of space and design, but his skills as a contractor. He likes the BIG projects and the construction aspects of his work.
A Medina residence
Medina residence
Edmonds residence
Snohomish residence
Clayton creates a wonderful canvas for me and I hope he can continue to expand his work. He's a young entrepreneur like myself and we've got a ways to go, but the progress and the quality of work he and his crew produce is outstanding and it will only get better.
While business has been busy, he's on the look out for future potential clients and projects. You can contact him and see more of his work at www.cemlandscapes.com
Taxonomically confusing and undecisive, but I am so enamored by this small tree from China.
We have this stunning specimen growing at the UW Botanic Garden's Center for Urban Horticulture and, each June, I stare in amazement at the glossy evergreen foliage blushed in deep red and bronze with a smattering of star-like bracts that cover almost the entire tree from top to bottom.
This tree has been referred to as:
Cornus angustata Cornus capitata C. capitata ssp. angustata C. capitata var. angustata Cornus kousa v. angustata C. kousa v. angustifolia Cornus elliptica Dendrobenthamia angustata
Potential graduate work to sort all this out? Oh you betcha...
Now, there's a plant in commerce called 'Elsbry' trademarked EMPRESS OF CHINA. that was selected by John Elsley. While I secured a few plants, he's worried that we might not have the heat in the summer to get this plant blooming here in the Puget Sound area, but with our evergreen dogwood at UWBG, perhaps that's the one that we should be propagating and distributing to gardeners here.
"So last week I special ordered some Juniperis chinensis 'Spartan' for a client from a large and reputable nursery. $69.97 for 5 gallon trees about 4' tall.
Tonight at HD they have huge ones in decent shape for $26.88!! They're 3 feet wide and over 6 feet tall and would've totally matched the existing trees.
Bugs me that the real nursery don't have them in any size and any price but the orange guys have huge affordable ones.
There's a lesson in there someplace.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Belated Birthday to moi!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Almost showtime... HPS Plant Study weekend
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Ok, this needs to STOP!! $18 for 2 gal pot of a horrible invasive in our area.
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Last Friday was a gathering for an event I won’t soon forget. After 41 years, Walt Bubelis is retiring from full time teaching at Edmonds Community College’s horticulture department. He basically started it from the very beginning and helped spearhead it as one of the best horticultural programs in the region.
I’m trying to remember how I was introduced to Walt as I ran into so many people I knew that night. The lobby of Brier Hall was decorated with fresh flowers and plant material from various home gardens and a remarkable diversity of food. It was also inundated with colleagues, fellow faculty, Walt’s family, friends, and most remarkably, so many of his former/current students all there to honor and reminisce about not only an instructor, but a nurturing mentor to so many people.
Walt is certainly one of a kind. He excelled as an instructor, but what really sets him apart from everyone else is his humble quality and faith in every student who is eager and willing to be challenged and learn. He genuinely cares about his work and his pupils. Many big names in Pacific NW Horticulture worked under Walt’s tutelage. The most famous probably being plant explorer, Dan Hinkley.
We were asked to write down our “favorite Walt moment” for a scrap book and after touching words and an emotional ovation after his speech, he created a moment for me as I never was a student of his, but to see everyone stand, applaud and hold back tears as he graciously acknowledged everyone in attendance and even those who weren’t able to make it, I looked up in admiration and my own eyes began to fill up as I witnessed a brilliant man be acknowledged for his dedication and passion for what he loves most.
I am in debt to this man for taking my career to another level by asking me to teach at Edmonds and believing in my abilities to share my knowledge, experience and love for plants and horticulture.
My sincerest best wishes for all of his future endeavors.
BTW, A Horticulture scholarship will be established in Bubelis' name through the Edmonds Community College Foundation. To contribute, call 425.640.1274 or email foundation@edcc.edu.
Learn more about the Hort Program:
Friday, June 4, 2010
And so we begin... Landwave Gardens gets a driveway redo and a eventual new design.