Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Speaking to the Hardy Plant Society of Washington

Hehe. Many asked, "Oh, not another plant group to join!"

So yeah, late last year, The Hardy Plant Society of Washington (HPSW) was formed to have a group that is very plant driven and focused on key issues such as care, cultivation, classification, propagation, conservation, trials and evaluation and just plain appreciation for hardy plants and their companions in the landscape.

How is this group going to be different from all the others out there. WHO KNOWS?!
In my involvement with various plant societies and currently serving on the board of one, a lot of things come into play and often its the politics of a small non-profit that will be the demise. In a way, this group was formed in response to the bitter feud between another garden group, but I hope many will look past that and think of the potential of this new community.

I guess the HPSW is aiming to have a similar system that the HPS of Oregon has. It would be great if we developed a global network and exchange information and plant material with other organizations around the world.

In my own way of garnering support for such a cause, I offered to give a lecture at our next meeting, May 18, 2009 at 7PM in Washington Park Arboretum's Graham Visitor Center.

"Travels of a Young Gardener"

"A general overview of my travels as a "NNG" (next generation gardener) and the plants that made it special. From my expeditions and garden visits in China to nursery hopping around the Pacific Northwest, come prepared to salivate over extraordinary plants through slides and potted specimens that will be on display, raffled off and also offered for sale. This is one lecture for the avid gardener. Not to be missed!"

Hope to see you!

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