Sunday, September 13, 2009

A much needed weekend getaway!

Friends convinced me to take some time away from work and spend the weekend up near the mountains in a cabin near Lake Kachess, just past Snoqualmie Pass off I-90.

Lake Kachess view with boat

I knew I needed to unwind a bit, but I find it hard to leave town even for just one day because of all the work that needs to be done around here. I sort of owe it to my friends whom I've had to turn down so many times because of my gardening. Sounds silly, doesn't it? lol

Anyway, I had a blast. The company of great friends, food, and the water activities on and along the lake were simply pleasant and just a whole lot of fun! On board my friend's, David and Tony's, boat, we cruised through the lake and just enjoyed the crisp clear breeze skimming the surface of Lake Kachess at near 40mph. In calmer waters, we admired the mountain views (with vine maples already starting their dramatic fall show), soaked up the sun and eventually docked the boat at a shoreline to explore some of the trails and a spectacularly refreshing waterfall I simply had to get under!!

Acer circinatum backlit

Waterfall (2)

Riz Waterfall

I have to remind myself at times that I have this aspect of my life and that I need to plan and organized my work and business in a way where I should be able to leave work AT WORK and truly savor the times I spend with friends, family and other loved ones.

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